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​Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is a precise peripheral nerve stimulation technique, in which acupuncture needles are inserted into anatomically defined neurofunctional sites, and stimulated manually or with electricity to reduce pain, stimulate healing and blood flow, and restore muscle function.

For more information, please visit the Contemporary Medical Acupuncture website.


Nutrition is a fundamental component of optimizing performance or healing from injury. Nutritional counselling provides accountability and a plan to keep you on track. Use this service to help you lose weight, gain muscle mass, increase energy, or for general health. 


Chiropractors are primary healthcare practitioners trained to diagnose and treat problems arising from the muscles and joints of the spine and extremities. Chiropractic manipulation and mobilization can help restore joint motion and reduce pain. 

​For more information, please visit the Ontario Chiropractic Association website.


Manual therapy is a form of treatment that provides symptom modification and can reduce perceived sensations such as pain and stiffness. The practitioner uses his or her hands to apply force to the body while the patient is directed to move in specific directions.



When properly prescribed, a custom orthotic can help decrease pain in the foot, ankle, knee, hip, and low back. Each orthotic is specifically tailored to your foot and will fit a variety of shoe types.


Exercise-based rehabilitation can be used as an adjunct therapy which will expedite the healing process and help prevent recurring injuries. Rehabilitation programs are designed specifically to meet the needs of the patient and can include strength training, cardiovascular training, mobility/stretching, as well as sport-specific training.

​For more information, please visit the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology website.

Athletic Movement Assessment

AMA is a criterion-based assessment designed in order to assess specific movement patterns of athlete's and the general population alike. The movement protocols have been developed and adopted through the synthesis of the scientific literature (sports sciences, biomechanical, and biological) for both performance and injury mechanisms.